

My good friend and business advisor slash fairy godfather Joey Braha told me I needed to re-vamp my business cards. I mean, call it like it is, I dress crazy, I speak my mind and I'm a bit of a nut job ...all showcased on my blog, so my card should dipict exactly that... I can't just have my info in plain black writing on a white card...what's the fun in that?? So I asked my friend Morgan of SKETCHBALLER to do a few illustrations for my card and these are what she came up with...I love, love, love, all 3, but choose the first 2 of be on my cards. I also included funny titles, and explanations of what " Tess of The Little Black List", can't wait to get them in the mail, and I will definatley be sharing them with you...Now I ask a little favor of you...I want to win a contest, hosted by Smashbox make up via Refinery29. SO show your girl some LOVE and click on the link HERE, sign into facebook (I know you all have facebook) and click on the pink heart on my photo....thanks everyone :)


  1. These are amazing illustrations!! Great idea for business cards :)

  2. I think you should pick the one in the middle ;)


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