

(F21 ballet skirt, Vintage little boys school blazer, Hanes T-shirt, Moms Vintage random cuffs, F21 AWESOME rhinestone bird necklace, Antique rhinestone necklace, Nan basket hat)

Lost my hookah virginity and I kind of liked it. At first I was a bit apprehensive but when I just shut up and tried to enjoy it was delicious. The smoke was sweet, and not abrasive like the cigarette smoke I am used to. (We choose apple flavor). The Moroccan music, dancing couples and spicy food also added to the ambiance. I got a bit of a high which was necessary and very mellowing. I wore my double trouble rhinestone necklaces which are one my current obsessions and have to force myself not to wear them everyday! AND if you notice I'm starting to get tan!!! Special thanks to Memorial day beach trip... Work is still kicking my ass, but only in the most satisfactory of ways. I've learned to embrace and cherish the little time I have to myself. Future plans include, but certainly not limited to laying in the park, vintage shopping for new summer gear, styling a shoot for Surface magazine, and attending the UN press party this week. Only editors from big magazines invited for a fall preview. I cant wait for the gift bags and the people watching. Any ideas of what to wear??? Def need to rock some crazy shit!!!!

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